SAVE THE DATE ~ June 23-27, 2021 !
"Fear not the unknown. It is a sea of possibilities." ― Tom Althouse
"Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. When there's a big disappointment, we don't know if that's the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. ― Pema Chödrön
The Co-Creators Convergence (CCC) is a sacred gift for our body-mind-spirit that many of us look forward to each year. Your Weaver Team - those who weave together our co-creation - is thrilled to announce the theme for our 8th annual gathering as we face the space of the COVID-19.
According to our visionary teacher and futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard: “Our Crisis Is A Birth”. The virus event has gripped the globe and torn the fabric of our previous experience. During our Co-Creators Convergence we will create a safe, sacred, resonant field, where we can explore possibilities of our re-birth! What has changed in your BEing and Beingness that wants to be spoken, heard and explored and loved into the future? How have you grown and what new talents have you explored inside yourself? What gift(s) are waiting for you on the other side?
To aid in our explorations, our gathering will be structured to allow for more “Open Space” for sharing, meditation, spending time in Nature and listening to what wants to emerge. As our dear teacher encouraged us, we will strive to answer the question: What is new and evolving individually and collectively as we embrace our “Newness”. As always at CCC, you will be inspired, transformed, entertained, and connected to the heart-centered source of ALL. You will also find kind support from our circle of healers, authors, seekers, empaths and so many more!
NEW! We invite each of you to Co-Create with us. If you have an idea for a collaborative experience that you would like to offer for the group or a way to invite deep and meaningful experiences related to our theme, please let us know. Once you register, you will be sent information on how to contribute your experience during our gathering.
Our 2020 Convergence will once again be held at beautiful Sunrise Ranch Spiritual Retreat Center in Loveland, CO and will commence at Noon on Wednesday, September 9th through Noon on Sunday, September 13th. REGISTER HERE online OR call Sunrise Ranch at 877.786.0078. (Partial payments are accepted online or by phone.)
Please Note: When making your reservation with Sunrise Ranch, it INCLUDES your Registration Fee ($250), Choice of Food and Lodging. BECAUSE OF COVID-19: If you are experiencing difficulties with payment, limited SCHOLARSHIPS are available. Registration fee (only) can be waived. Contact Noel at CoCreators@Lightpartners.org.
We’ve reserved a seat at our table of Co-Creation that can only be filled by your unique divine expression. We would love to see you in September!
REGISTER NOW @ https://sunriseranch.org/event/co-creators-convergence
Joy and blessings to you all!
Your 2020 CCC “Weavers”
Weaving co-creation into our blessed gathering!
Dr. Noel K. Marshall, Rev. Marcia McCartney, David Powell, Eng., Elsie Ritzenhein Ed. Sp.,
Dena DeLuco, NLP Success Coach & Nicole Schoeppner, Sound Healer
Let us be aware of our power to create a dream of heaven
where everything is possible. --Don Miguel Ruiz
** Image donated by Artist Cameron Gray "Discovering the Cosmic Consciousness" Visit: www.parablevisions.com
WHO? We are joyful members of Humanity including spiritual seekers, authors, artists, musicians, sacred activists, teachers, healers, and co-creators of all ages from all walks of life.
WHEN? Convergence runs from Noon on Wed., Sept. 9 through Noon on Sun., Sept. 13, 2020.
WHERE? We will gather at beautiful Sunrise Ranch outside of Loveland, Colorado. Since 1945, Sunrise, an intentional spiritual community of 70-plus residents, has lovingly stewarded the land and water of its 400-acre ranch located in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
REGISTRATION FEE: The $250 fee is bundled into an all-inclusive fee with meals and lodging.
LODGING: Room and scrumptious farm-to-table meals available onsite. Select your Diet and Rooming options when you register. (partial payments are possible, call 877.786.0078)
MORE INFORMATION: Visit cocreatorsconvergence.com. If you have questions, call Noel Marshall at (920) 312-0301 or email cocreators@lightpartners.org.
Noel K. Marshall, Ph.D, is a “Conscious Evolutionary” inspired by Barbara Marx Hubbard. She is a revolutionary inspired by the Great Masters—Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Rachel Carson and others—who lift up peace, justice and respect for our fellow human beings, animals and this planet we call home. With her husband, Bob Warner, they call themselves “LightPartners” and have been roaming this planet activating, stimulating and awakening themselves and others to re-member who we are and what we are to do as Sacred Activists. The LightPartners’ mission is: “To Partner with Light to Serve Our One Sacred Life.” In 2013, Noel and others founded Co-Creators Convergence and since that time have been fortunate enough to co-create seven consecutive annual events. Noel is thrilled to be part of the team planning for your arrival at Sunrise Ranch for another spectacular year of co-creation! JOY! CLICK for more Noel.
Rev. Marcia McCartney retired from Delta Airlines in 1999 having been a flight attendant for 30 years where she ‘loved to fly and it showed!’ Marcia was ordained in 1999 and has served Unity ministries in Chicago, Kansas, and Gainesville, and Citrus County Florida as senior minister. Her alternative ministry, The Planetary Play Project was named Unity Worldwide Ministries’ Noble Purpose Project in 2006. The focus of PPP is about rediscovering our Divine Playmate! Our Inner Playmate, our relationship with our self; our Outer Playmate, our relationship with others; our Divine Playmate, our relationship with the INFINITE and our Divine Playground, our relationship with H.O.M.E. Heaven On Mother Earth! CLICK for more Planetary Play.
Rev. Marcia is an Attitudinal Healing Facilitator as well as trained as a Sage-ing International Group Leader. One of Marcia’s most beloved teachers was Barbara Marx Hubbard and she adds Agent of Conscious Evolution to her past, present and future attributes. In 2012 Rev. Marcia supported the Birth 2012 initiative by co-creating several amazing events with Bob Warner and Noel Marshall, in Ocala, Florida that launched The LightPartners’ nationwide tour for Birth 2012. In 2013 Marcia, Co-Founder of CCC, offered her gifts of Laughter, Creativity and Play.
Nicole Schoeppner is a Vibrational Sound Therapy Certified Practitioner, NLP practitioner, corporate trainer, business consultant, and Revolutionary Agreements coach. Nicole’s early journey to healing was deeply self- “centered.” Her only intention was to heal and find meaning from her life of intense abuse, deeply rooted in poverty and suffering. On the path of healing, she discovered the power of presence through techniques she learned in various mystery schools and self-development immersion programs. This process helped her to discover the beautiful world of sound healing. Nicole is dedicated to helping the collective “us” use the power of presence to shift how we view ourselves and the world around us, and discover the beauty in every moment. CLICK for more Nicole.
Elsie Ritzenhein, Ed. Sp., is a thought and action leader with experience in education and personal growth that has spanned 55 years. She is the author of “Awakening Your Creative Voice/Women in a World of Possibility” (2017) and co-author of “Generative Leadership/Shaping New Futures for Today’s Schools” (2008). Elsie has been passionately engaged with creativity and change from her early years as an educator and leader and is the founder of the earlier Generative Leadership Initiative and the current Inspiring Creative Women. She uses her rich career in education to offer challenging, exciting and energizing possibilities to adults and young adults who wish to explore “seeing with new eyes,” both in their personal lives and in the world of work. Her current initiative is the Network for Creative Possibility, where she joyfully engages others in Creativity Conversations—inviting reflection and action from the inside out.
CLICK for more Elsie.
Dena DeLuco is an NLP Success Coach and hypnotist trainer (International Hypnosis Federation). She has been a life coach long before it was ever a thing! The founder of Evolving Door (in northeast Ohio), Dena’s focus is on helping her clients break free of imagined limitations (think, “There is no box!”). In a rich and powerful way, Dena’s superpower is holding space for you to gently transform, transmute or take a deep dive into the “great within” to catch a glimpse of your next step (or leap) forward! There are countless ways to unlock your genius … why not let it be easy, graceful, joyful and fun? In a world where we are taught to find our happiness “out there,” come on in and en-joy the wonders of who you are – Unlimited Potential, waiting to be realized! CLICK for more Dena.
David Powell: I am honored to be one of the Weavers for the CCC again this year. 2020 will be my wife (Thalia) and my eighth CCC. About me:
I have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
I “graduated” from a 40-year career in aerospace engineering
We have two grown children (both married; one grandchild, Elizabeth Rose, was born during the 2019 CCC!)
While pursuing my aerospace management career, I discovered a passion for servant leadership and deep listening. As such, I am a member of the Keepers Council for the Milagro World Center. I am also doing life coaching and facilitating a course titled Safe Conversations. Being a Weaver is another opportunity to put my passions into action. I look forward to hearing you share your passion as we grow in love and compassion!