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Co-Creators Convergence 2024
Co-Creating a De-LIGHT-ful Expedition
October 6-11, 2024
Co-Creating Sacred Peace ~
Pura Vida in Costa Rica
October 21-28, 2023
The 2023 Co-Creators Convergence - our tenth in-person gathering - will be a sacred co-creation of peace. Inner peace. Peace in our communities, in the World and in The Universe.
In the country known for its commitment to peace, we will dive into sacred peace, in a very sacred retreat center in Orosi through experiential processes offered by participants.
We will also contribute - in collective seva, to the retreat center, the University of Peace and the Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation (CRHF); As we nestle in the womb of the Minifundo, a sacred retreat center, we will experience also several outings supplementing our convergence of peace and LOVE.
It is a tradition at CCC that everyone who participates IS an unique gift and ALL are offered an opportunity to share a process with the entire group - aligned with the theme of “Co-Creating Sacred Peace”. Interactive experiential processes are highly encouraged; lecture "presentations" are discouraged.
Of course, everyone does not have to offer a process/experience! BEing fully present and participating is also a greatly valued gift. To that end, we always meet in circle and value everyone's form of contribution to the gathering.
Saturday, 10/21 - arrive in San Jose Costa Rica - 2 night stay in San Jose Hotel includes breakfast & meals
Sunday, 10/22 - Humanitarian journey to the Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation with interaction and processes
Monday, 10/23 - University of Peace in Colon for World Peace Flag Ceremony and reflection; travel to the sacred sanctuary of the Minifundo which will be our home for 5 nights in the Sacred Orosi Valley; stops at sacred sites along the way...
Monday through Friday – Co-creator theme-based processes at the Minifundo, area thermal baths, Guayabo National Monument (birthplace of Costa Rica) and seva (sacred service)
Saturday, 10/28 - Return to San Jose for seva at the Peace Center - installation of Peace Pilgrim statue and closing ceremonies
Our time will be during the "green" (rainy) season. Click HERE for ideas of how to enjoy this tropical blessing.
Our Convergence home in the Sacred Orosi Valley will be the "Minifundo" in Town Center. The Minifundo is a private retreat center ~ a beautiful and resplendent center of light and illumination through connection, cultivating healthy human relationships that serve individually and collectively.
The Minifundo serves only vegetarian meals and is a non-smoking environment.
CCC OFFICIALLY ENDS WITH LUNCH ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28. We will transport folks to the airport for further travel / return home.
Early Bird price of $1250 (double occupancy) is good until the end of June with a $250 non-refundable deposit; July 1 and after is $1500 (double occupancy) with a $250 non-refundable deposit. Final balance due by September 15. Limited single occupancy MAY be available for an upcharge.
This fee includes: all accommodations from Saturday, October 21 through Friday, October 27, all meals from breakfast on Sunday, October 22 through lunch Saturday, October 28, all local transportation and fees.
Send deposit check made payable to Noel Marshall to PO Box 543,
Blountville, TN 37617. Also available: payment by VENMO. Account name: NoelBob_LightPartners
Limited to 25 co-creators!
Bob Warner & Noel Marshall;
Gail Nystrom: Creator Convo Here: Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation with Gail Nystrom, Founder
Rosemary Zitek: Creator Convo here: Exploring Angelology: the Essene Communions with the Angels
Not included in participant fee:
air fare to San Jose, Costa Rica
Saturday transport to hotel
Saturday night dinner
Purchases from artisans at La Carpio
“Extra drinks” at restaurants
Donation @ Basilica
Incidentals at all off-Minfundo locations
Noel Marshall ~ 920.312.0301
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